Handmade paper-cut cards

New Directions

Sorry I have not been on my blog for so long!!!  I really have no excuses, except that I haven’t had any reason to make cards lately…

I just wanted to take a chance to say that I draw as well.  I started drawing when I was four, so it actually is more natural to me than cutting (which I only started at eight).  If you want to see my drawings, please check out my deviantART page!

That’s all for now :)

Oh, and I might be uploading a new card, since it is my mother’s birthday soon.  Stay tuned…



Chúc Mừng Năm Mới (Happy New Year!)

Actually, the Asian New Year has not happened yet.  Since it is based on a lunar calendar, it will not truly be 2013 until late January/early February.

“Chúc Mừng Năm Mới,” by the way, means Happy New Year in Vietnamese.



What is the New Year for you?  For me, it’s drawing and watching music videos with my sister all day, taking a walk through the snow with my dad, doing origami with my mom, eating lobster with my family, and cuddling up with my cat for a good movie until the countdown ;)


New Year’s is also a time of reflection, and anticipation!

The shiny paper didn't show up so well on the scan…

The shiny paper didn’t show up so well on the scan…


Happy New Year of the Snake!!!




My First Video

Today I made a video tutorial for how to make a new Year’s card. There are three good reasons you should watch it:
1) You procrastinatted, and now you need a quick, simple, and unique design to be snet by tomorrow.
2) You forgot to send someone a Christmas card, and hope to make up for it by sending a New year’s card.
3) You really want to send out a new year’s card, but you can’t seem to get inspired.
4) You like to see what I do.
And those are all valid reasons, so please check it out (and subscribe to my new Vimeo channel)!!

In Between

I was wrong.

It did snow this Christmas!

Stay tuned… New Year’s Cards will be coming up soon :)


If It Did Snow…

Well this card is a little silly right now because it hasn’t  actually snowed!  But that’s okay.  I just wanted to reminisce on building snowmen with my dad, which are some of my favorite winter/holiday memories :)

blue snow

Blue snow…

The strange ripple in the upper left-hand corner is due to my using a new type of glue.  Still figuring it out, haha.


Happy Holidays!

Hi everyone…

I’m back!!!!!!!  This past semester has been crazy, going to college parttime, so excuse my absence.  But now that winter break has rolled around the way, I plan on making many more cards so that I can post even when I’m too busy.

But enough of the blah, enjoy my latest,

Love and Hugs,


Old friends  + eggnog = Christmas :)



My new email address is <cutlingo1@gmail.com>.  I have tried to chnage it wherever it appears on my blog, but if I’ve missed a spot, then please refer to this email address instead!




Yes, I know I’ve been away! Sadly, I have no new cuttings to share today, but I felt I should explain my long absence.
This year, I have been taking 3 college courses as well as finishing up my highschool senior year as well as applying to colleges!!! So it’s a little crazy. I hope to start making cards again over the holidays, so check back when you can!

Dancing the Night Away

Ladies and Gentlemen, I’d first of all like to apologize for my hiatus.  School started up again, and it seems to get harder the older I get!  I made this cut near the end of August, but I was holding out on you because I knew that I wouldn’t have any time to make new ones.

But, anyway here it is:

Don't let me go

Don’t let me go

The ceremony was beautiful.  It was an outdoor wedding, with no shortage of sun-showers and accordion music.  I can only hope that the rest of their lives are filled to brim with more of the same.



I don’t have any witty words to say today.  I hope that this card warms your heart a little, though.
