Handmade paper-cut cards

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Today I made a video tutorial for how to make a new Year’s card. There are three good reasons you should watch it:
1) You procrastinatted, and now you need a quick, simple, and unique design to be snet by tomorrow.
2) You forgot to send someone a Christmas card, and hope to make up for it by sending a New year’s card.
3) You really want to send out a new year’s card, but you can’t seem to get inspired.
4) You like to see what I do.
And those are all valid reasons, so please check it out (and subscribe to my new Vimeo channel)!!

Recently, I was doodle-cutting, and I made this little thing:

Mother and child

But once I’d made it, I really didn’t know what to do with it!  I had just watched Across the Universe, so I experimented with making a strawberry shape, but I can’t tell if it works or not:

(Sorry the pic’s a little blurry)



I’m really stuck!  If you’ve got any suggestions, please don’t hesitate to comment!

Oh and make sure you watch that movie––it’s very awesome.